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We the people, the sovereign citizens of the USA, are at a fork in our road on our way to a more perfect union and the American dream. We can actively choose a direction together or passively allow one to be imposed on us.
Bạn đang xem: Assert self-governance through public budgeting, auditing
In one direction is further abandoning popular sovereign self-governance of the people, by the people, and for all of the people with resultant authoritarianism, divisiveness, rancor, hostility, and ever more outrageous income and wealth inequality.
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In the other direction is actualizing popular sovereign self-governance by cooperatively confining our government and major corporations firmly within our proven reliable when conscientiously applied, but currently purposely suppressed and nearly forgotten, fund-accounting-based public budgeting and auditing national internal control process.
We sovereign citizens have always had the power to actualize fair and competent popular self-governance, but we have been largely successfully kept from knowing that we do.
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It was not explained clearly in the civics classes we used to have to pass to graduate from high school. And then we watered down those classes so that they were even less clear and relevant. And now we have quit requiring them at all.
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We citizens can reassert our sovereignty and reverse our ongoing national decline by relentlessly publicly asking our elected and other senior government officials, and the CEOs and Boards of Directors of our major corporations, to publicly explain their responsibilities for popular self-governance fund-accounting-based public budgeting and auditing internal control and how they are meeting them, examining and discussing their answers, and planning remedial actions together appropriately.
Nguồn: https://joblot.lol
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